Tag Archives: Martin

Martin Doyle Flutes’ 30th Anniversary

Martin Doyle Flutes : 1983—2013

Martin Doyle Flutes' 30th Anniversary : 1983-2013 This year marks the 30th anniversary since Martin Doyle began his odyssey as a flute maker. No hoopla, probably not going to have a party, have put a little logo on the homepage of the website – that’s about it folks! Life goes on, flute orders come in, and Martin feels that the best way to celebrate is to carry on with the creative process that he began with and try all the time to improve his flute designs with the people who will play them in mind. This ethos has always been to the fore in his heart and mind from the outset and continues to drive him today.

A Message From Martin Doyle

Martin Doyle

“I would like to thank everyone for their support over the past thirty or so years. There are many dear friends who have been very encouraging and supportive through this process and that includes my family of course. I have also been very grateful to receive kind and encouraging comments from people all over the world who have purchased my flutes.

“I consider the act of creating instruments for musicians a privilege that cannot be understated. It is also a journey of partnership that requires the interplay and focus of both parties – the flute maker and the flute player. This has helped me to evolve and has also kept me inspired and active in the field of flute making. In my view these are sacred connections in the eternal quest for expression through the universal language that is music.


A Tune To Celebrate

Tune: The Flute Maker Martin Doyle – by Joe Doyle.

New Business Card and Brochure

In keeping with the spirit of improvement and newness, and to reflect Martin Doyle‘s high standards of craftsmanship, a new business card and brochure has just been created for Martin Doyle Flutes.

The new business card and four panel A5 brochure are of course available in hard copy and, for anyone who requires them, printable PDF versions have also been added to Martin Doyle’s website and can be downloaded here: Contact »

Credit and gratitude for the graphic design and creation of the the new business card and brochure goes to our good friend Asankita in New Zealand – thank you brother!

2008: A new business card and brochure for Martin Doyle Flutes.

2008: A new business card and brochure for Martin Doyle Flutes.

Martin Doyle Flutes Updates

Website Updates

Martin Doyle Flutes has been enhanced with the addition of a Flute Information Quick-find panel to make important information more accessible. We have also made a few other minor modifications in other area of the homepage in order to enhance the experience that visitors have when visiting Martin’s website.

Quite a number of new images have been added to Martin Doyle’s Flickr album:
Flute Maker Martin Doyle »

And we have also added a page that deals with the care and maintenance of wooden flutes:
Wooden Flute Care »