Two Great Men Came A’visiting

Asides from making great flutes and music, one of Martin Doyle‘s favourite pastimes is photography. Currently a little house-bound and in the arduous process of recovering from open-heart surgery, Martin has had regular visits from well-wishers and friends who come to offer their goodwill and encouragement. So what better way to celebrate a visit from great friends than to photograph them. Here is the result of one such a moment …

Christy Barry and Ronan Browne – photo taken by Martin Doyle

Christy Barry and Ronan Browne – photo taken by Martin Doyle.

A lovely moment between two good soul’s frozen in time by the click of the photographer’s shutter. Here are Martin’s comments regarding this portrait …

I am very proud to have got this picture, its probably one of the best I have ever taken. I would like to say this was a very special day in my recovery, to be in the company of two old friends who are great and authentic Gentlemen.

Some Music From Christy Barry And Ronan Browne

A world renowned Irish traditional musician and one of the great characters of West Clare, Christy Barry is often to be found at traditional music sessions in Doolin. As we stated in a previous post, much can be learned about a man by listening to the music he plays. Have a listen to some of Christy’s story …

Ronan Browne is an Irish musician and composer from Conamara in County Galway who plays uilleann pipes, flutes and whistles. Ronan was in Doolin performing at a wedding on the day that he and Christy visited Martin. Here’s a wee glimpse of Ronan’s great talents …

“A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and a good fortune to have.”
— Irish Proverb.

Without friendship
This world would not exist,
Even for a fleeting second –
Whether it is human friendship
Or divine friendship.
Sri Chinmoy.

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2 thoughts on “Two Great Men Came A’visiting

  1. Tadhg Aneas

    Nice post, lovely people, lovely music. I have had the good fortune to meet all three of these gentlemen and the music that flows through them is pure and plentiful. They are great characters of Ireland and great guardians of our traditional music. We are very fortunate to have them. 🙂


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