Three new testimonials have recently been added to Martin Doyle’s website. The first two are from flute players in Japan who are involved in the Irish traditional music scene there. writes:
“I am very pleased with the two flutes Martin! I played the D flute for the set dancing with my friends last Saturday evening. I was pleasantly surprised at the excellent responses and the great capacity of the tone colours. For me, these flutes are saikou — the best!” – Yusuke Usuda.

Bridget and Paddy Moriyasu.
The second testimonial is from Isao ‘Paddy’ Moriyasu who, with his wife Masako, aka ‘Bridgit’, spend time in County Clare each year and have made two CDs of Irish traditional music. Paddy has this to say about his Martin Doyle flute:
“Martin is a great friend of mine. He’s not only an excellent flute maker but also (believe it or not) a master of the Japanese martial art of Aikido!! He regularly visits Japan for intensive Aikido training. I started working on a recording project called ‘The Complete Works of Turlough O’Carolan in 2007 — 7 CDs in all and have already finished recording 3 of them so far. I’ve decided to use Martin’s D and C flutes for the recording as his instruments always give me loads of inspiration and freedom. With his lovely flutes, I can explore a whole new world of Carolan music. Thanks Martin!! Looking forward to playing some tunes with you in Tokyo.”
The third testimonial is from David Thompson who is and member of The Belfast and District Set Dancing and Traditional Music Society from Bangor, Northern Ireland.
“The Celtic style flute without tuning slide is the most satisfying flute I’ve ever played. It has a crisp and full low register, and the low D really honks! I love the simplicity of this flutes appearance, yet the tone I can get out of it is truly awe inspiring and it’s always in tune. This is ‘flute minimalism’ at it’s finest!”
More comments from flute players all over the world can be viewed here: Testimonials »