Category Archives: Poets

A Poem For Nuala Níc Con Iomaire – By Biddy Jenkinson

Irish poet, Biddy Jenkinson

Irish poet, Biddy Jenkinson

Martin Doyle has a page on his website entitled In Praise of Wooden Flutes which presents a poem of the same name by Martin’s friend Biddy Jenkinson. Biddy, an Irish poet, short story writer and dramatist who writes in the Irish language, also sent Martin a poem that eulogises their mutual friend Nuala Níc Con Iomaire who passed away on July 16, 2010. That poem, Nuala, is reproduced below.

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In Praise of Wooden Flutes – by Biddy Jenkinson

Irish poet, Biddy Jenkinson

Irish poet, Biddy Jenkinson

A rare, witty, revealing and instructive poem by the Irish poet and writer Biddy Jenkinson (pictured right) has just been added to Martin Doyle’s website.

We boast ‘rare’ because this poem is penned in English and Biddy does most of her writing in the Irish language.

Biddy’s ode to the humble wooden flute can be viewed here: In Praise of Wooden Flutes »